Cincinnati Woodward High School Class of 67 WHS News & Notices
Class of 67 Woodward Cincinnati
CLASS of 1967 Woodward Cincinnati

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To See All Reunion Photos
Click on the "Photos" button in the menu at the bottom.



Thanks to Cathy Firfer for the Link to this Article
about Frank Lang and WHS Ensemble 1966

Click anywhere on the Photo to go to the Article
*ed notes: Anybody got a photo of the '67 Ensemble? Let us know!
(This photo is of Ensemble 1966.)
Frank Lang passed in 2003.

And just like That!
Thanks to Peggy Schmidt

Ensemble 1967

Please stop by (below) and learn about breast cancer and
Metastatic Breast Cancer. Our class of 1967 has certainly experienced,
and continues to experience, more than
its share of these horrible diseases. In a giving mood?
Click on any or all to find out how to help!

Click the Text to go to Metavivor Website

Please Click this Ribbon for Important Information


Click on the Button or Here for more information


Susan Komen Site
Click on the graphic or here for more information


Videos Now Available!

Videos have also been added to the 2004 Reunion
Sunday Morning Brunch Photos Page!
Be sure to see Mike Blackman as
Boys Health Teacher Charley "Smeethe" Smith.
And watch the Coronet Films we had to watch back in the day!



Have you forgotten "What to do on a Date?
Thanks to WHS Health Classes
we all took, we of course knew THEN
what to do on a date. But in case you need a refresher,
Click on the "Coronet Films" logo above.


Remember the "The Last Prom?" Watch it below!

The Last Prom

Shot at WHS
(If you get some kind of error message when you hit play, just hit "dismiss all")




Click to See A Very Interesting
Article About and Old Photos
of Old Woodward

(Thanks to the late Merle Rosen for the link)

DOWNLOAD "Treasures in Sound"
Its Free!

Right Click on a graphic, The click "Save as"

Its easy!

Treasures In Sound

1965 Side A

Treasures in Sound

1966 Side A

Treasures In Sound

1965 Side B

Treasures in Sound

1966 Side B

In 1965 & 1966, Mr. Anaple Produced two LP's as shown above. These are available for FREE DOWNLOAD. Just right-click on the above album covers and then
choose "Save Target As" (IE Explorer). For Firefox and Chrome,
right click then "SaveLink As"

If you'd rather have a CD with the nifty covers as shown above, send me an email
from the CONTACT page and I'll explain the costs.

Message from Walter Schmidt

I ran across this while I was searching through some old projects
that I did in my printing classes.


A Woodward Sketch

It is a history of Woodward written by a decendent of William Woodward. 
Facts are reported to be true, however, some are a little different than others I have seen. 
The book was printed and binding done by the school shop.  I did most of it myself,
coming in early before school.  The project was pulled and scrapped, I was not told why.  
The last I knew of the book, it was put into the vault, where the copies are now is anyone's guess. 
I have a full copy, not in good shape, 111 pages, printed in 1965.

Just thought someone might be interested that this exists.

Message from Paul Hendrick

I edited a history of WHS written by Tom Woodward, Class of 1964, and have
a copy. There was a vault off the main office at Woodward - maybe they copies are
there.  Or work was done to restore the Jones Room as a Museum - perhaps
books were located then.  I know the portrait of Cleon Wingard that was a gift from
the Class of 65 was on display at his funeral a few months ago.  I was glad
it had not just disappeared in whatever has happened to and with Woodward
over the years.  Cleon and his son had gone to the school to inquire about
it when Cleon wanted to have it for some reunion or something.  They told
him it was in storage somewhere in the school and he could have it.  Has
anyone asked at the school? 
 Does anyone know how to get in touch with Tom Woodward? 
I'm sure he is outof town and have heard nothing of him in years and years. 


Woodward High School and the Cincinnati Public Schools are not responsible for anything appearing on this site